miércoles, 1 de julio de 2009

Capture and handling of a Four-eyed possum /Captura y manejo de una zarigüeya cuatro ojos

During the last field trip to the Los Petenes Biosphere Reserve we captured several specimens of the three species of marsupials in Campeche (the common possum Didelphis virginiana, the neotropical possum D. marsupialis and the four-eyed possum Philander opossum). Here some pics of one male and one female of the last two species:

An angry four-eyed possum

We also captured several D. marsupialis. Here is a female.

Two black hawks (Buteogallus urobitinga) were captured attracted by the live chickens used as bait for wild cats.

A beautiful sunrise in the mangrove forest as seen from my penthouse tent in the four floor of the observation tower of the LPBR

Student taking a nap in the "main-camp", second floor of the tower after a day of hard work in Los Petenes

Here is the video of the capture and handling of a four-eyed possum (Philander opossum) captured during field work in the Los Petenes Biosphere Reserve during the last week

Aquí un vídeo de la captura y manejo de un tlacuache cuatro ojos (Philander opossum) capturado en trabajo de campo la semana pasada en la Reserva de la Biosfera de los Petenes.