miércoles, 17 de junio de 2009

Disease Ecology book/Libro sobre ecología de enfermedades

I just bought this excellent book on Disease Ecology (Infectious Disease Ecology-Effects of Ecosystems on Disease and of Diseases on Ecosystems by Richard Ostfeld, Felicia Kessing and Valerie Eviner, Princeton University Press, 2008).

The book is highly recommended. I just read the first two chapters and it is excellent. It deals with a variety of topics on disease ecology ranging from vector ecology, to host vulnerability and landscape topics.

Definitely one of the best acquisitions of this year!


Acabo de comprar este excelente libro sobre ecología de enfermedades infecciosas (Infectious Disease Ecology-Effects of Ecosystems on Disease and of Diseases on Ecosystems by Richard Ostfeld, Felicia Kessing and Valerie Eviner, Princeton University Press, 2008).

El libro es excelente y altamente recomendable!. Trata una diversidad de temas sobre ecología de enfermedades infecciosas que van desde ecología de vectores, reservorios y hospederos, vulnerabilidad y temas de paisaje.

Definitivamente una de las mejores adquisiciones que he hecho este año!