miércoles, 29 de abril de 2009

Influenza en Mexico V: Los casos en Asia / The flu in Mexico: relevance of the cases in Asia

WHO raises pandemic alert level to 5 / OMS sube a nivel 5 de riesgo de pandemia

Link to WHO VIDEO at BBC

Right after the first human casualty from swine flu in the US was diagnosed.


UPDATE MAY, 1sth, 2009:


China has now confirmed its first case, taking the tally of nations hit to 14.

A Mexican man who had travelled to Hong Kong via Shanghai tested positive for the virus, said Hong Kong's leader, Donald Tsang.
The hotel in which the man briefly stayed in Hong Kong has been cordoned off and the alert level raised to emergency, although the authorities have urged residents not to panic.
In cases outside Mexico the effects of the virus do not appear to be severe, although one death of a Mexican child has been confirmed in the US.
The WHO has set its pandemic alert level at five - but says it has no immediate plans to move to the highest level of six.
Source BBC
So now the two viruses (H1N1 and H5N1 one considered "mild" and the other "highly pathogenic", one capable of transmission from human to human, the other zoonotic) might have a chance to "meet each other" and recombine into something new and very, very dangerous.
Where is the information about this by the WHO?

Are they trying to avoid massive panic in Asia?

To be honest, I don't understand the silence about this.

UPDATE MAY, 2nd, 2009:


A 51 year-old Corean woman that was travelling back from Mexico was diagnosed yesterday as positive to swine flu.


I wonder if soon the world attention would shift from Mexico to Asia? I hope not, because then we will be dealing with a totally different virus. I am crossing my fingers that these cases would be isolated and the virus would not become endemic in Asia.