viernes, 28 de octubre de 2005

My nature-wildlife photography obsession


Nature photography

(check my nature photography blog -here-)

I have a passion for nature and wildlife photography. Unfortunately, science is a demanding activity and I barely find time these days to go out and practice photography as much as I would like. I have been taking pictures in the outdoors since I was a kid, but it was just recently (2000) that I took photography much more seriously and spent quite a bit of money in professional photo gear and training.

Here are a few low-resolution pics of some of my work:
(click in the pics to see a larger version of the photograph)

My photographs have been acquired by a number of national and international agencies including SEMARNAT (Mexico’s Ministry of Environment), PRONATURA (a leading environmental NGO in Mexico), The Nature Conservancy-USA and CONABIO (Mexican Council on Biodiversity Use and Conservation). I have been published in magazines such as Trofeo, Pronatura, GEO-Mexico and Fronteras (by CONACULTA) and used to illustrate some books such as Mexico’s Natural Protected Areas and El venado de la Sierra Madre Occidental (both published by CONABIO).

I use professional Nikon 35 mm SLR film and digital cameras and Nikon lenses ranging from 20 mm wide-angle to 500 mm super-telephoto. I tend to use Fuji-Velvia for slide film and Velvia-like post-processing for my digital photographs. For all my photography, I use a Gitzo carbon-fibre tripod and a Wimberly head for maximum stability and sharpness.

My personal file is composed of more than 2,000 slides and more than 3,000 high-quality digital photographs of nature and wildlife mostly from Mexico but also from other Latin American countries and Europe. I kind of specialize in the humid tropics. All of my wildlife pictures are of free-ranging animals in their natural habitat (unless otherwise noted by the note "cw" denoting captive wildlife in the embedded copy-right).

I can make high-quality prints and files from both digital and slides for framing, publications and the web. All my digital photographs are NOT digitally manipulated other than the standard post-processing in Photo-shop CS.

If you are interested in buying or using some of my photographs let me know by e-mail.