lunes, 12 de enero de 2009

Tortugas muertas y con mutilaciones / Sea turtle carcassess with injuries

Recientemente en un viaje en cuatrimoto encontramos cerca de Sabancuy a esta tortuga carey muerta con graves lesiones en una de sus aletas como resultado de haberse atorado en una red de pesca. Como se puede observar el animal lucho por desenredarse hasta dejar la piel y músculos de su aleta totalmente rotos hasta llegar al hueso, en su desesperación por no morir ahogada. La otra tortuga (una tortuga blanca) tenía una perforación grande en el carapacho que pudo haberle causado la muerte. Es triste saber que muchas tortugas mueren de esta manera debido a las redes de pesca, particularmente aquellas que son abandonadas y que se encuentran atoradas en el fondo del mar. Los humanos somos realmente una peste!


Recently, in an ATV trip to the beach in Sabancuy, we found this dead hawksbill turtle in the beach. It has extensive injuries in the skin, muscle and bone of his left flipper as a result of being entangled in a fishing net. Most likely the animal died from drowning as a result of being entangled. It is very sad to know that many turtles died each year as a result of this practice of discarded fishing nets left as rubbish in the ocean. We humans are a pest!

The washed ashore adult hawksbill turtle in a beach around 3 km north of Sabancuy, Campeche

My guess was that the animal has been entangled in a fishing net for a long time, drowned and then washed ashore after the fisherman found it dead in the net.

Look at the extensive muscle and bone injuries in the flipper

This carcass of a "white" sea turtle got this hole in the carapace that look like the likely cause of death (a fishing harpon maybe?, vandalism?)

You can see that if the animal was alive when the puncture was done, the perforating object could easily get into vital organs such as the lungs.